'The Death of Pentheus', Film installation based on Greek Vase,
DIR: Philip Haas, March 16th - 21st '09 - Tails and ears designed and made by Sunita Parmar @ LC Props.

Prosthetics Supervisor
Application of Platgel Ear tips, and tail pieces on 5 professional dancers who were cast as 'Satyrs'. Both Ear and Tail pieces were generic and not made for indiviual artists, they were also reused each day.
Each tail was hair punched around a core of hair weft sewn to a foam shape secured around a wire core, which was then cast inside the silicone base.
I assisted to punch hair all the pieces at LCprops and looked after the hair during the shoot. The Colour was reapplied each day with both illustrator colours and greasepaint, and fixer spray. All pieces were secured with Telesis, with a good layer on the skin before hand.